
Starkli uses "signers" to sign transactions. Technically speaking, a signer can be anything that can provide valid signatures for transactions. In practice, the following signer types are currently supported:

More signer types will be supported as they become available. As of this writing, the most secure signer type is Ledger hardware wallets.

Signers can be managed, or in some cases, created, through the starkli signer command.

Ledger hardware wallet

This book has a dedicated page for Ledger wallets. Learn more about managing and using Ledger with Starkli in the Ledger page.

💡 Tips

As with any other blockchain networks, it's highly recommended to use Ledger for accounts that hold a significant amount of funds.

Encrypted keystores

Encrypted keystores are JSON files that follow the Web3 secret storage definition. A password must be supplied to create a keystore, and is required for subsequently using the keystore.

⚠️ Warning

Keystores are encrypted, but they're only as secure as the password you used to create them.

To create a fresh keystore from scratch:

starkli signer keystore new /path/to/keystore

and a keystore file will be created at /path/to/keystore.

You can then use it via the --keystore <PATH> option for commands expecting a signer.

Alternatively, you can set the STARKNET_KEYSTORE environment variable to make command invocations easier:

export STARKNET_KEYSTORE="/path/to/keystore"

ℹ️ Note

Even when STARKNET_KEYSTORE is set, it would be ignored by Starkli when any other signer option is supplied via the command line, including using the --keystore <PATH> option.

Plain text private keys

⚠️ Warning

Using plain text private keys is highly insecure. Never use this for production.

Plain text private keys are only intended to be used for development purposes, where security of keys does not matter. To generate a private key, run the command:

starkli signer gen-keypair

For commands that expect a signer, you can then use the --private-key <KEY> option. Alternatively, you can set the STARKNET_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable to make command invocations easier.

ℹ️ Note

Starkli shows a warning when you use plain-text private keys. If you know what you're doing, you can suppress this warning by setting the STARKLI_NO_PLAIN_KEY_WARNING to anything but false.