
Starkli sends out transactions through accounts. Starknet natively supports account abstraction and all accounts are smart contracts. Therefore, there are many "flavors" of accounts and Starkli supports the most popular ones. Starkli refers to these "flavors" as variants. See this section for the supported variants.

Accounts can be created and managed through the starkli account command. Variant-specific commands are available under starkli account <VARIANT> (where <VARIANT> is the unique identifier of the variant).

Supported account variants

The current version of Starkli supports these account variants (by alphabetical order):


Account creation

Before creating an account, you must first decide on the variant to use. As an example here, we will use the OpenZeppelin variant, whose identifier is oz.

All variants come with an init subcommand that creates an account file ready to be deployed. For example, to create an oz account:

starkli account oz init /path/to/account

ℹ️ Note

The starkli account oz init <PATH> command requires a signer. Starkli would complain that a signer is missing when running the command as shown, unless a keystore is specified via the STARKNET_KEYSTORE environment variable. See the signers page page for more details.

Account deployment

Once you have an account file, you can deploy the account contract with the starkli account deploy command. This command sends a DEPLOY_ACCOUNT transaction, which requires the account to be funded with some ETH for paying for the transaction fee.

For example, to deploy the account we just created:

starkli account deploy /path/to/account

ℹ️ Note

This command also requires a signer. You must provide the same signer used for creating the account file in the first place.

Unlike the init command, deploy needs to access the network, so a provider must also be configured.

When run, the command shows the address where the contract will be deployed on, and instructs the user to fund the account before proceeding. Here's an example command output:

The estimated account deployment fee is 0.000011483579723913 ETH. However, to avoid failure, fund at least:
    0.000017225369585869 ETH
to the following address:
Press [ENTER] once you've funded the address.

Once the account deployment transaction is confirmed, the account file will be update to reflect the deployment status. It can then be used for commands where an account is expected. You can pass the account either with the --account parameter, or with the STARKNET_ACCOUNT environment variable.

Account fetching

Account fetching allows recreating the account file from on-chain data alone. This could be helpful when:

  • the account file is lost; or
  • migrating an account from another tool/application.

The starkli account fetch commands creates an account file using just the address provided:

starkli account fetch <ADDRESS> --output /path/to/account

Running the command above creates the account file at /path/to/account.